Monday, August 5, 2013

And so it begins...

I spent 6+ hours working in my classroom today....and there's still a lot to do.  Our building got new carpeting over the summer so absolutely almost everything had to be boxed (it felt like everything!).  I was able to get everything out of the boxes and some of it put away.  To some of you, this may not seem like the feat that it really is.  You see, you could really call my classroom Staples, OfficeMax, OfficeDepot, or whatever office supply store you so choose.  As I was unpacking I was thinking that my class is really the Noah's Ark of classrooms, but then I realized, that's not true...I have more than two of everything!

In my unpacking, I came across these gems that I made last year.  (The one with the glare says "guys".)  These are my hall passes that I made from wooden door hangers I found at Hobby Lobby.  A little paint, scrapbook paper, and Mod Podge...easy!

I'm so glad they survived a) last year's 6th graders, and b) being packed in a box all summer.  On the back (the picture didn't turn out, darn!), I had a cute little tag that said, "Hurry back, you are missing something important!"  They made me smile because they were so fun to make and I loved the way they turned out.  It's the little things, right?

As the clock struck 3:00 (time had flown and I hadn't even stopped for lunch!), I realized that I needed to be going, but then was struck with the panic that was my messy room.  And, it was about that time that I realized I hadn't seen my SmartBoard pens and eraser.  I checked, for the 100th time, and yes, all the boxes were empty.  I scanned the room looking for where they could be to no avail.  Alas, I sit here now, the OCD in me in full swing, wondering where on Earth that Ziploc bag is.  I don't know about you, but something like this bugs me to the point that I almost can't do anything else until the issue is resolved.  I guess you know what this means...I'll be at the school tomorrow morning searching!  (I have to be there tomorrow afternoon to do some planning anyway!)

Until next time,

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